Last day Sulawesi and leaving :( - Reisverslag uit Banjar Penestanan Kaja, Indonesië van Pien - Last day Sulawesi and leaving :( - Reisverslag uit Banjar Penestanan Kaja, Indonesië van Pien -

Last day Sulawesi and leaving :(

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Pien

05 April 2015 | Indonesië, Banjar Penestanan Kaja

Sorry for not writing anything in the past 5 weeks. I'm just the worst person for doing this . This is just copied from my diary (not that I wrote a lot in there haha) and don't know why I wrote it in English...

5th of april 2015

Today we went browsing in Narnia. My last day browsing:( we got 8 bags and took them to the macaques. There we made the bundles, and I gave the bundles for the last time:( and I'm gonna miss it so much.

Then we are breakfast (unfortunately no noodles) .

After breakfast I did the routine with Vincent en Marleen.We made enrichments for the orang utans and hid those outside the enclosure. Then I saw Is with a huge metal bar in the enclosure. (They can break the cage with that) so I got Angela to take a look.

After that I fed the lories for the last time, I love them so much, so smart and cute how they lick the ice cubes!! And then we made new ones for the next day.

At lunch time Simon and Angela told us kind of what they wanted to be done. (They had a meeting in the afternoon) .

So after lunch we were like what and how are we going to do this. So we decided (because Simon wasn't there to tell us what to do in big aviary) that everyone made enrichments for the bears, then me , Marleen and Vincent cleaned it and hid the food, then me and ditte went foraging for fruits and cassowary nuts an the others continued with the routine.

We were supposed to leave at 4 for the turtle beach , so we could see the blood moon, so we were in a hurry. Ditte and i came back at 5 to 4. So no shower for me haha.

We drove there and watched the blood moon(which wasn't red at all, too cloudy:/) then we ate dinner at the beach and followed the patrol to look for turtles and eggs. We found a nest and we were allowed to get the eggs out. They are so weak, you can grab them, but you break them so easy. you have to be very very careful when you get them out.

After that we drove back and I paid at the guesthouse for all my t shirts :$

When we got back ditte and Billy were preparing a surprise, so selina and I went inside the vol house and Then I had to cry:(( Caroline hugged me:)

I started packing and when billy went to bed he posted this picture! So sweet their surprise!!


I Packed until 1.30 and then wrote in the book.

then I finally went to bed and slept one hour because my alarm was at 3.15 since i had to leave at 4.

5th of April 2015

Selina, ditte and even billy woke up for me. He and ditte were talking about the second surprise. It was at the airport they said and billy said:we hope you like it and if you don't you just start liking it!

Then was the terrible moment outside to say goodbye. I cried a lot. It's terrible leaving and leaving your friends behind. Especially when two of them (and actually so much more (guides keepers staff) ) live on the other side of the world.

Crying a lot.

Then I drove with Antony to the airport and I slept in the car. At the airport I checked in and got rid if my luggage. I knew there was a surprise at the airport so I knew I couldn't go past security yet. Fortunately I had internet and messaged billy (but that sleepyhead didn't reply)

Kasa sent me a message: are you on the way to the airport
And I said yes, and he said that he was at the airport. I already thought that he was there and that that was the surprise . So I found him and we talked for a little while. It was his idea to come I heard from billy. So sweet of him.

But yeah. Sulawesi Is over. I had the best time there, and I'll never forget it, and I'm definitely going back next year!!
Sulawesi is MANTAP kong the people are MANTAP!

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21 Februari 2006 - 16 Mei 2015

Sulawesi en Bali

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